You are at a heavy black iron door in the side of a stone building. You see a lever next to the door but it won't move. Above the lever you see the letters (css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: green)[U](text-color: blue)[E](text-color: yellow)[C]] and a set of nine tiles with colored words on them.
[[examine tiles|door 1 lock]]
[[walk around the building|Door 2]]
[[go home]]
(set: $Door1Code to '')You are at a wrought iron gate in the side of a stone building. You see a lever next to the door but it won't move. Above the lever you see the letters (css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: purple)[U](text-color: red)[E](text-color: grey)[C]] and a set of nine tiles with colored words on them.
[[examine tiles|door 2 lock]]
[[walk around the building|Door 1]]
[[go home]]
(set: $Door2Code to '')You are in a large white hall. (if: (history:)'s last is 'door 1 lock')[The iron door you entered the building through has disappeared but you see several other doors as you walk.](else:)[You see several doors as walk.]
[[light brown door|lounge door]]
[[yellow door|messy office door]]
[[light metal door|records door]]
[[light wooden door|neat office door]]
[[dark brown wooden door|admin door]]
[[smooth black door|head office door]]
[[white metal door|section door main]]You are in a medium sized black hall. (if: (history:)'s last is 'door 2 lock')[The iron gate you entered the building through has disappeared but you see several other doors as you walk.](else:)[You see several doors as walk.]
[[black wooden door|directory door]]
[[grey door|inner storage door]]
[[purple metal door|containment door]]
[[wooden door|storage admin door]]
[[white metal door|section door storage]]You see a white metal door with four large arrows on it.
(if: $IsSectionLocked is 'no') [[[go through door|storage hall]]] \
(else:)[[[try lock|section lock main]]]
(set: $SectionCode to '')
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: black)[....](text-color: red)[↑
←](text-color: black)[...](text-color: red)[→]
(text-color: black)[....](text-color: red)[↓]]
[[walk away|main hall]]You see a light brown door with raised shiny blue letters and some plain grey writing below them.
{(link: 'L')[(set: $LoungeTry to 'wrong')(goto: 'lounge door')]
(link: 'O')[(set: $LoungeTry to 'wrong')(goto: 'lounge door')]
(link: 'U')[(set: $LoungeTry to 'wrong')(goto: 'lounge door')]
(link: 'N')[(set: $LoungeTry to 'wrong')(goto: 'lounge door')]
(link: 'G')[(set: $LoungeTry to 'wrong')(goto: 'lounge door')]
(link: 'E')[(set: $IsLoungeLocked to 'no', $LoungeTry to 'right')(goto: 'lounge door')]}
(text-color: grey)[I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space.]
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $LoungeTry to '')(goto: 'main hall')]
(if: $LoungeTry is 'wrong')[The letter depresses but springs back with a beep.]\
(else-if: $LoungeTry is 'right')[The E depresses with a pleasant click. The door clicks and swings back a fraction, after which the E rises to its original height.]
(if: $IsLoungeLocked is 'no') [(link: 'enter room')[(set: $LoungeTry to '')(goto: 'lounge')]](else:)[]You see a yellow door with a keypad in the center and the word SIGMA below it in faint letters.
(if: $IsMessyLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|messy office]]] \
(else:)[[[try keypad|messy office lock]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]
(set: $MessyCode to '')You see a light metal door with nine pictures on it. They are on raised squares that look they could be pressed down.
{(set: $RecordsCode to '')
(set: $bottlePic to '<img src="" width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $cabagePic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $clockPic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $diePic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $doorPic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $eggPic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $keyPic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $ropePic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')
(set: $ballPic to '<img src=""width="100px" height="100px">')} \
(if: $IsRecordsLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|records]]] \
(else:)[The door has no handle and won't open.
[[try lock|records lock 1]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]You see a pale wooden door with shapes carved into the surface.
{(set: $First to '', $Second to '', $Third to '', $Forth to '')
(set: $triangle to '<img src="" width="150px" height="150px">')
(set: $square to '<img src="" width="150px" height="150px">')
(set: $pentagon to '<img src="" width="150px" height="150px">')
(set: $hexagon to '<img src="" width="150px" height="150px">')
(set: $octogon to '<img src="" width="150px" height="150px">')
(set: $circle to '<img src="" width="150px" height="150px">')} \
(if: $IsNeatLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|neat office]]] \
(else:)[The door has no handle and won't open.
[[try lock|neat office lock 1]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]You see a dark brown wooden door with a keyhole in a copper plate.
(if: $IsAdminLockedK is 'no' and $IsAdminLockedP is 'no')[[[enter room|admin]]] \
(else-if: $IsAdminLockedK is 'no')[The key turned in the lock, but the door still won't open. Twelve words fade in on the door.
[[examine words|admin lock]]] \
{(else:)[(if: $Inv contains 'copper key')[(link: 'try copper key')[(set: $IsAdminLockedK to 'no')(goto: 'admin door')]]
(if: $Inv contains 'grey key')[(link: 'try grey key')[(set: $IsAdminLockedK to 'yes', $GreyTried to 'yes')(goto: 'admin door')]]]}
(if: $GreyTried is 'yes')[The grey key does not fit.]
[[walk away|main hall]]
(set: $AdminCode to '')You see a smooth black door with four grey characters on it.
{(set: $Color1 to 'grey')
(set: $Color2 to 'grey')
(set: $Color3 to 'grey')
(set: $Color4 to 'grey')}\
(if: $IsHeadLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|head office]]] \
(else:)[The door has no handle and won't open.
{(text-color: $Color1)[&]
(text-color: $Color2)[?]
(text-color: $Color3)[%]
(text-color: $Color4)[!]}
[[try lock|head office lock]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]You see a black wooden door. On it is a set of 4 lights. All of them are off. There are four buttons next to the door.
(if: $IsDirectoryLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|directory]]]\
(else:)[The door has no handle and won't open.
[[try the buttons|directory lock]]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]
(set: $lightOne to 0)
(set: $lightTwo to 0)
(set: $lightThree to 0)
(set: $lightFour to 0)
(set: $firstLight to "off")
(set: $secondLight to "off")
(set: $thirdLight to "off")
(set: $fourthLight to "off")
}You see a plain grey door. Next to it is what looks like a swipe pad for a card.
(if: $IsInnerLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|inner storage]]](else:)[]
{(if: $Inv contains 'key card')[(link: 'swipe key card')[(set: $IsInnerLocked to 'no')(goto: 'inner storage door')]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]You see a dark purple door with (text-color: red)[WARNING DANGER] on it. There is a red skull and cross bones symbol on a flap that appears to lift.
[[lift flap|containment lock]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]You see a wooden door with a small keyboard and the word (text-color: green)[Question] above it.
(if: $IsStorageAdminLocked is 'no') [[[enter room|storage admin]]] \
(else:)[The door won't open.
[[try keyboard|storage admin lock]]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]You are in a small plain room. Across from you is a grey door. On one side is a large potted plant and on the other a small side table with a box of tissues on it.
[[look at plant|O clue 1]]
[[look at side table|aster clue]]
[[look at grey door|inner office door]]
[[leave|head office door]]You are in a minuscule grey room nearly filled by a plain desk. In one corner you see a small grey safe with shinny orange keys. On the desk is a thick manilla folder.
[[examine safe|ASKII safe]]
[[open folder|info]]
[[leave|admin door]]You are in a narrow white room. Every surface is immaculate. On one side of the room is a large poster that looks like a colorful map with a grey reclining couch under it. On the other side is a standing desk with a nearly bare surface. (if: not ($Inv contains'key card'))[A key card on a lanyard is hanging from a hook next to the door.](else:)[An empty hook sticks out next to the door.]
[[examine the poster|flag poster]]
[[look at the desk|poem]]
{(if: not ($Inv contains'key card'))[(link: 'take key card')[(set: $Inv to it + (a: 'key card'))(goto: 'neat office')]]
(else:)[(link: 'return key card')[(set: $Inv to it - (a: 'key card'))(goto: 'neat office')]]}
[[walk away|neat office door]]You are in a large room filled with rows of file cabinets. The drawers will not open and you cannot even see handles or keyholes on any. Next to the door is a small table with a wire basket containing several paper-clipped stacks of paper. Above the table is a large map.
[[look at map|map]]
[[read papers|reports]]
[[leave room|records door]]This room is piled high with what could be years' worth of mess: indecipherable scrawls across hundreds of loose sticky notes, forgotten items of clothing, and a desk piled with half-full mugs, a few mostly empty takeout containers, and one terribly mangled stapler. Barely visible behind the mess of neglected dishes is an outdated desktop computer.
[[go to desk|desk]]
[[look at walls]]
[[leave|messy office door]]You are in what look like a small lounge. Over a red couch is a large poster. Across from them is a pair of armchairs with a brass plaque between them. In the corner is a white fridge.
[[look at plaque|dates clue]]
[[look at poster|arrows clue 2]]
[[open fridge|fridge]]
[[leave|lounge door]]The second you pull the door open, a writhing blob of oily black tentacles bursts through the gap. It engulfs you instantly, and your head is filled with a dissonant and lilting tune that drowns out all the rest of the world. The last thought that pries its way to the front of your mind wonders what hellish ruination you have unleashed upon the world.
You have died.
EndThis tiny, cramped room is dominated by an empty desk. Otherwise it is mostly barren, save for a small chalkboard hanging on one wall and a black safe tucked away in the corner.
[[look at chalkboard|O clue 2]]
[[look at safe|star safe]]
[[leave|storage admin door]]The door creaks open to a large room filled with wire shelving. There are black covers and chains over everything, and you find them impossible to move no matter how hard you force it.
On a small table next to the door is an inky grey orb containing swirls of color that almost seem to dance when you are not directly examining it. Next to the orb rests what appears to be a polyhedral die of some sort, except the sides are far too jagged and asymmetrical to possibly be fair. On the back of the door is a metal plaque covered in odd markings.
[[look at plaque|ASKII clue]]
{(if: not ($Inv contains'mysterious orb'))[(link: 'take mysterious orb')[(set: $Inv to it + (a: 'mysterious orb'))(goto: 'take the mysterious orb')]]
(else:)[(link: 'return mysterious orb')[(set: $Inv to it - (a: 'mysterious orb'))(goto: 'inner storage')]]}
[[take the strange die]]
[[leave|inner storage door]]You are in a small dark room. There is poster on each side wall and across from the door is a series of metal lines. They do not respond to pressing or pulling.
[[look at large poster|arrows clue 1]]
[[look at small poster|star clue]]
[[leave|directory door]](set: $DictionaryClue to '(text-color: yellow)[Words of the Week
Argle-bargle — copious but meaningless talk or writing
Doodle sack — Old English word for bagpipe
Erinaceous — of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog
Gabelle — a tax on salt
Hackney — four-wheeled two-horse carriage
Peristeronic — of or relating to pigeons
Quarion — candle
Quire — two dozen sheets of paper
Tittynope — a small quantity of something left over
Widdershins — in a left-handed or contrary direction; counterclockwise
Yarborough — hand of cards containing no card above a nine]')\
You see a chalkboard with a list of words and definitions on it.
(print: $DictionaryClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $DictionaryClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $DictionaryClue))]]
[[look at something else|storage admin]]You see a black safe the size of a large jam jar. On it is a labeled grid.
(if: $IsStarLocked is 'no') [[[open safe|star safe interior]]] \
(else:)[[[try keypad|star safe lock]]]
[[look at something else|storage admin]]
(set: $Empty to '(css: "font-size: 200%")[☐]')
(set: $Yes to '(css: "font-size: 200%")[☑]')
(set: $No to '(css: "font-size: 200%")[☒]')
(set: $Filler to '(css: "font-size: 200%")+(text-color: black)[☐]')
(set: $LogicSet to (a:$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler)){(set: $ASKIIClue to '(css: "font-size: 200%")[{(text-color: (rgb: 165, 42, 42))[///](text-color: green)[.].())|(text-color: (rgb: 165, 42, 42))[|:*](text-color: orange)[\\] ..(text-color: green)[::]:\\//(text-color: orange)[.]::-—(text-color: green)[-]-\\\(text-color: orange)[/]}
{:(text-color: (rgb: 165, 42, 42))[:.].(text-color: orange)[)]((text-color: orange)[—]..(text-color: orange)[(]) — //}
{(text-color: green)[****\]\//(text-color: orange)[/](text-color: green)[\/\].(text-color: (rgb: 165, 42, 42))[:].(text-color: orange)[:].:./\\/(text-color: orange)[\\]()(text-color: green)[()]}]')
You see a metal square with a collection of colorful markings.}
(print: $ASKIIClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $ASKIIClue))[(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $ASKIIClue))]](else:)[]}
[[look at something else|inner storage]]As soon as you grab the strange item you feel an intense heat and cold all at once. As you black out you curse your curiosity.
You have died.You see a large poster with words on it.
(set: $SectionClue to '(css: "font-size: 150%;")[Fire and Ice]
Robert Frost
Some say the wo(text-color: red)[rl]d will end in fi(text-color: red)[r]e,
Some say in ice.
F(text-color: red)[r]om what I’ve tasted of desire
I hol(text-color: red)[d] with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know eno(text-color: red)[u]gh of hate
To say that for dest(text-color: red)[ru]ction ice
Is a(text-color: red)[l]so great
And wo(text-color: red)[uld] suffice.')
(print: $SectionClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $SectionClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $SectionClue))]]
[[look at something else|directory]](set: $StorageAdminClue to '(align: "=><=")[(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: green)[W]ho then m(text-color: green)[a]y tru(text-color: green)[s]t the dic(text-color: green)[e], at Fo(text-color: green)[r]tu(text-color: green)[n]e\'s throw?]
- Geoffrey Chaucer]')\
You see a small poster with a large quote.
(print: $StorageAdminClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $StorageAdminClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a:$StorageAdminClue))]]
[[look at something else|directory]]{(set: $DatesClue to
'January - Agent Theta
February - Agent Gamma
March - Agent Sigma
April - Agent Beta
May - Agent Sigma
June - Agent Sigma
July - Agent Theta
August - Agent Tau
September - Agent Sigma
October - Agent Epsilon
November - Agent Gamma
December - Agent Beta')}\
You see a brass plaque with inscribed months and papers with what look like names in slots next to them.
(print: $DatesClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $DatesClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a:$DatesClue))]]
[[look at something else|lounge]]In the fridge is a brown paper wrapped sandwich with **<u>DO NOT TAKE!!!</u>** written on it in black
[[take sandwich]]
[[leave fridge|lounge]]You see a large poster with words on it.
(set: $SectionClue to '(css: "font-size: 150%;")[Fire and Ice]
Robert Frost
Some say the wo(text-color: red)[rl]d will end in fi(text-color: red)[r]e,
Some say in ice.
F(text-color: red)[r]om what I’ve tasted of desire
I hol(text-color: red)[d] with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know eno(text-color: red)[u]gh of hate
To say that for dest(text-color: red)[ru]ction ice
Is a(text-color: red)[l]so great
And wo(text-color: red)[uld] suffice.')
(print: $SectionClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $SectionClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $SectionClue))]]
[[look at something else|lounge]]The moment you pick up the sandwich you fall over backwards choking. As you black out the consider that you should have headed the warning on this sandwich of doom.
You have died.You see a map with several markings on it.
(set: $Map to '<img src="" width="493px" height="400px">')
(print: $Map)
{(if: not ($notes contains'$Map'))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a:'$Map'))]]
[[look at something else|records]](set: $Reports to 'REPORTS OF INCIDENCE
<li>A series of \"gore storms\" near Alcova, WY in late 2016. Reports from witnesses describe miscellaneous viscera showering from above, separated and intact, approx. 3x per month. Investigation in the area led to the discovery of a strange die buried six feet underground. Upon removal, the storms ceased. A secure testing environment is still being developed. (Interdimensional forest fridge?)</li>
<li>In 2006, a woman from Fresno, CA mailed a malfunctioning Sega \"iDog\" toy belonging to her young son that began to incant in an unidentifiable language. According to the family\'s testimony, this resulted in the manifestation of an \"infinite cosmic void\" in the boy\'s closet which could not be closed, and within which an impossibly large, incomprehensible life form covered in eyes loomed ever closer. Currently, the item is sealed in a seven inch thick box of pure osmium from the Stroviqoth dimension while our disposal team prepares to destroy it.</li>
<li>A string of B&Es in Munich in the spring of 2017, in which items in sealed glass cases were stolen without breaking the glass or tampering with the locks. These were traced to a group of teens who stumbled upon a foggy orb. Item secured successfully and involved parties mind-wiped; abilities and effects still being studied.</li>
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the wound -')
(print: $Reports)
{(if: not ($notes contains $Reports))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $Reports))]]
[[put down papers|records]]You see a large map.
(set: $Flag to '<img src="" width="482px" height="400px">')
{(if: not ($notes contains $Flag))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $Flag))]]
[[look at something else|neat office]]You see a matte grey safe about the size of a good toaster. On the door are nine shiny keys showing orange asterisks.
(if: $IsASKIILocked is 'no') [[[open safe|ASKII safe interior]]] \
(else:)[[[try keypad|ASKII safe lock]]]
{(set: $q to '*', $w to '*', $e to '*', $a to '*', $s to '*', $d to '*', $z to '*', $x to '*', $c to '*')} \
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: orange)[(print: $q)(print: $w)(print: $e)
(print: $a)(print: $s)(print: $d)
(print: $z)(print: $x)(print: $c)]]
[[look at something else|admin]](set: $AdminInfo to 'According to U.E.C founder Saskia Götz, the purpose of our order is not of any occult nature; simply put, we aim to apply the scientific method to all unexplained phenomena. We strive to uncover hidden truths for the advancement of technology and for the safety of all citizens of the world.
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the bluest Sea -')
Inside the folder is a stack of papers. You read:
(print: $AdminInfo)
{(if: not ($notes contains $AdminInfo))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $AdminInfo))]]
[[look at something else|admin]](set: $XClue to 'Director Zeta promoted in 1989 after fifteen years of dedication to the UEC, may she continue to make us all proud
Yet - never - in life,
It asked a crumb - of me.')\
It is a black and white photo of several people in suits standing outside of a building that could be the one you're in. On the back is written in blue ink:
(print: $XClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $XClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $XClue))]]
[[put down photo|ASKII safe interior]](set: $ListClue to '(text-color: red + white)[hedgehog, carriage, bagpipe, salt tax, candle, pigeons, 24 sheets of paper]')
When you examine the plant, you see a slip of paper with some strange words scrawled on it taped to the underside of one leaf.
(print: $ListClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $ListClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $ListClue))]]
[[look at something else|head office]](set: $StorageSafeClue to 'Four agents brought in four esoteric objects this week.
<li>Agent Sigma brought in a fridge containing a 30 acre forest.</li>
<li>Agent Sigma assisted in another agent\'s work on Thursday as they had already finished their own assignment.</li>
<li>A concerning pen was brought in on a weekday.</li>
<li>One agent brought in an item on a day that started with the same letter as their identifier.</li>
<li>Agent Epsilon was overseeing the work on a malicious doll and was only able complete their own project after the doll was brought in by the agent assigned to it.</li>
<li>On Monday the captured object was brought in in a shoulder bag.</li>
<li>Agent Gamma was supposed to handle the doll, but is terrified of all dolls and swapped assignments with another agent.</li>
Next to the box of tissues is a sheet of paper with typing on it. It reads: (print: $StorageSafeClue)\
{(if: not ($notes contains $StorageSafeClue))[(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $StorageSafeClue))]](else:)[]}
[[look at something else|head office]](set: $DiffrenceClue to 'SEE WHAT IS DIFFRENT')\
You are in a pure black room. You cannot hear a sound. Across from you is a wooden door with a strange device on the wall next to it. In large white letters on the wall next to you are the words
(print: $DiffrenceClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $DiffrenceClue))[(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $DiffrenceClue))]](else:)[]}
[[look at the door|private office door]]
[[leave|inner office door]]You find yourself in a small comfortable room. The walls and furniture are a pale grey color, minimally decorated, but light wear from daily use is evident. There is a woman sitting at a desk on the opposite end of the room, facing you. She has grey hair streaked with white, and slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She is dressed in a sharp grey pantsuit, but the jacket is undone and hanging loosely over the back of her chair.
As you enter, she gives you a crooked smirk.
"I've got to admit," she says, her low voice crackling with amusement, "I never expected you to make it this far. Come on, sit down. We have much to discuss."
As she gestures toward it, you notice a chair pulled out on your side of the desk.
[[sit down]]
[[ask questions]]After a long moment of consideration, you slowly nod your head. Director Zeta raises an eyebrow expectantly.
"I accept your offer."
The Director smiles wide at you again.
"Excellent!" She flips through the stack of papers for a moment before pointing to a few spots. "Sign here, here, //here,// and... here."
You scrawl your signature across several lines, and when you look up, The Director is standing before you. She hands you an engraved plaque, a badge, and a uniform before offering a congratulatory handshake.
"Your office will be through the orange door and on the left. You'll want to check the break room this afternoon, it's Epsilon's birthday and they always bring in the best cakes. Sigma can show you how to work the coffee machine - and trust me, you'll need it. Take the day to settle in and meet the crew, and tomorrow you'll get your first assignment. I'm looking forward to working with you, Agent Delta."
EndYou wake up at home, fully clothed on the floor of your kitchen. Your memories of the night before are foggy, but this happens often enough in your town. Bracing yourself for another long day of pretending everything is normal, you sit up and notice something in your back pocket.
Your notebook, shoved haphazardly in your pocket, is full of crinkled pages of scribbled notes. This is your handwriting, but all of it seems nonsensical to you.
On the final used page that you don't remember writing, the handwriting is different. The letters "UEC" are written so large that they almost take up the full page, except for a set of coordinates beneath.
This is the closest you've come so far; somehow, you can feel it. You won't let answers escape you again.
EndWalking home late at night, you hear rustling from the brush off to the side of the path, accompanied by a faint, strange light. You've always been aware of weird phenomena in the area surrounding your small town. Is this finally your chance to understand?
{(set: $Inv to (a:))
(set: $notes to (a:))}\
[[ignore it and go home|go home]]You walk away and try not to think about what you've seen. However, it sits in the back of your mind.
[[continue home]]
(link-goto: "change your mind and return", (history:)'s last)(print: $MessyCode)
{(link: '1')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '1'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '2')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '2'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '3')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '3'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]}
{(link: '4')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '4'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '5')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '5'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '6')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '6'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]}
{(link: '7')[(set: $MessyCode to it +'7'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '8')[(set: $MessyCode to it +'8'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '9')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '9'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]}
{(link: '0')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '0'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '*')[(set: $MessyCode to it + '*'))(goto: 'messy office lock')]
(link: '<-')[(set: $MessyCode to it - ($MessyCode's last))(goto: 'messy office lock')]}
(if: $MessyCode is '3569')[The keypad emits a plesant tone and the handle will turn.(set: $IsMessyLocked to 'no')
[[enter room|messy office]]]
(else-if:$MessyCode's length is 4)[The keypad beeps and clears.(set: $MessyCode to '')
[[try again|messy office lock]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]You see twelve words on the door.
{(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'peristeronic')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'peristeronic')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'ericaceous')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'ericaceous')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'quire')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'quire')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'hackney')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'hackney')(goto: 'admin lock')]]}
{(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'zoanthropy')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'zoanthropy')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'gabelle')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'gabelle')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'winklepicker')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'winklepicker')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'quarion')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'quarion')(goto: 'admin lock')]]}
{(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'doodle sack')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'doodlesack')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'poppycock')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'poppycock')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'yarborough')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'yarborough')(goto: 'admin lock')]]
(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'alcazar')[(set: $AdminCode to it + 'alcazar')(goto: 'admin lock')]]}
(link: 'take out key and put back in')[(set: $AdminCode to '')(goto: 'admin lock')]
(if: $AdminCode is 'ericaceoushackneydoodlesackgabellequarionperisteronicquire')[The door clicks three times and drifts back slightly. (set: $IsAdminLockedP to 'no')
[[open door|admin]]]
[[walk away|main hall]](css: "font-size: 200%")[{(text-color: $Color1)[(link: '&')[(if: $Color1 is 'grey')[(set: $Color1 to 'blue')](else-if: $Color1 is 'blue')[(set: $Color1 to 'red')](else-if: $Color1 is 'red')[(set: $Color1 to 'white')](else-if: $Color1 is 'white')[(set: $Color1 to 'yellow')](else:)[(set: $Color1 to 'grey')](goto: 'head office lock')]]
(text-color: $Color2)[(link: '?')[(if: $Color2 is 'grey')[(set: $Color2 to 'blue')](else-if: $Color2 is 'blue')[(set: $Color2 to 'red')](else-if: $Color2 is 'red')[(set: $Color2 to 'white')](else-if: $Color2 is 'white')[(set: $Color2 to 'yellow')](else:)[(set: $Color2 to 'grey')](goto: 'head office lock')]]
(text-color: $Color3)[(link: '%')[(if: $Color3 is 'grey')[(set: $Color3 to 'blue')](else-if: $Color3 is 'blue')[(set: $Color3 to 'red')](else-if: $Color3 is 'red')[(set: $Color3 to 'white')](else-if: $Color3 is 'white')[(set: $Color3 to 'yellow')](else:)[(set: $Color3 to 'grey')](goto: 'head office lock')]]
(text-color: $Color4)[(link: '!')[(if: $Color4 is 'grey')[(set: $Color4 to 'blue')](else-if: $Color4 is 'blue')[(set: $Color4 to 'red')](else-if: $Color4 is 'red')[(set: $Color4 to 'white')](else-if: $Color4 is 'white')[(set: $Color4 to 'yellow')](else:)[(set: $Color4 to 'grey')](goto: 'head office lock')]]}]
(if: $Color1 is 'blue' and $Color2 is 'white' and $Color3 is 'red' and $Color4 is 'yellow')[(set: $IsHeadLocked to 'no')(set: $Color1 to 'black', $Color2 to 'black',$Color3 to 'black',$Color4 to 'black')(goto: 'head office lock')]
(if: $Color1 is 'black' and $Color2 is 'black' and $Color3 is 'black' and $Color4 is 'black')[The letters fade into the door and a curved handle slides out of the door.
[[enter room|head office]]]
[[stop trying|main hall]]Under the flap is a glassed in red button.
(link: 'smash the glass and push the button')[(set: $IsContainmentLocked to 'no')(goto:'button pushed')]
[[walk away|storage hall]](set: ($StorageAdminCode to (prompt: '(text-color: green)[Question]', '')))
(if: ($StorageAdminCode.toLowerCase() is 'answer'))[You hear a gentle click and the door seems to loosen.(set: $IsStorageAdminLocked to 'no')
[[open door|storage admin]]]\
(else:)[The keypad beeps twice and the word (text-color: green)[Question] flashes. The door still won't open. (set: $StorageAdminCode to '')
(link: 'try again')[(goto: 'storage admin lock')]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $firstLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $secondLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $thirdLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $fourthLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
[[Press Button One|Directory Button One]]
[[Press Button Two|Directory Button Two]]
[[Press Button Three|Directory Button Three]]
[[Press Button Four|Directory Button Four]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]You see light grey door with a plain grey key hole.
(if: $IsInnerOfficeLocked is 'no') [The grey key turns in the lock.
[[enter room|inner office]]] \
(else:)[The door won't open.]
(if: $Inv contains 'grey key')[(link: 'try grey key')[(set: $IsInnerOfficeLocked to 'no')(goto: 'inner office door')]]
(if: $Inv contains 'copper key')[(link: 'try copper key')[(set: $IsInnerOfficeLocked to 'yes', $CopperTried to 'yes')(goto: 'inner office door')](else:)[]]
(if: $CopperTried is 'yes')[The copper key does not fit.](else:)[]
[[walk away|head office]](set: $AccurateClue to 'Typewriter marked: Accepting only truth.')\
You see a dark wooden door with brass strips running across it. A heavy black bar runs in front of the door. On one side it appears hinged and on the other it runs into a solid black box with a typewriter keyboard in front of it. The keyboard is surrounded by a glass box you cannot break or move. On the typewriter in the spot you would expect a manufacture's name are the words "Accepting only truth."
{(if: $IsPrivateLockedO is 'no' and $IsPrivateLockedP is 'no')[[[enter room|private office]]] \
(else-if: $IsPrivateLockedO is 'no')[The glass fades to a nearly invisible fog. When you pick up the object the glass returns. When you put your hands through the fog you feel nothing strange.
[[try typewriter|private office lock]]]\
(else:)[(if: $Inv contains 'mysterious orb')[(link: 'place mysterious object on glass')[(set: $IsPrivateLockedO to 'no')(goto: 'private office door')]]]}
{(if: not ($notes contains $AccurateClue))[(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $AccurateClue))]](else:)[]}
[[look at something else|inner office]]
(set: $PrivateCode to '')(set: ($PrivateCode to (prompt: "unlock", "")))\
(if: ($PrivateCode is "Hope storm strangest Extremity"))[The typewriter flattens into the front of the box. The top slides into the wall and the bar lifts revealing a plain wooden handle. (set: $IsPrivateLockedP to 'no')
[[enter room|private office]]]\
(else:)[The box emits an unpleasant screech and some sort of dark cloth tentacle whips out of the box, through the keys, and back away.(set: $PrivateCode to '')
[[try again|private office lock]]]
[[walk away|inner office]]The safe contains (if: not ($Inv contains'grey key'))[a grey key and] a small photo.
{(if: not ($Inv contains 'grey key'))[(link: 'take dark grey key')[(set: $Inv to it + (a: 'grey key'))(goto: 'ASKII safe interior')]]
(else:)[(link: 'return grey key')[(set: $Inv to it - (a: 'grey key'))(goto: 'ASKII safe interior')]]}
[[look at photo|x clue]]
[[close safe|ASKII safe]](css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: orange)[{(link: '$q')[(if: $q is '|')[(set: $q to '—')](else-if: $q is '—')[(set: $q to '/')](else-if: $q is '/')[(set: $q to '\\')](else-if: $q is '\\')[(set: $q to '.')](else-if: $q is '.')[(set: $q to ':')](else-if: $q is ':')[(set: $q to '*')](else-if: $q is '*')[(set: $q to '(')](else-if: $q is '(')[(set: $q to ')')](else:)[(set: $q to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]
(link: '$w')[(if: $w is '|')[(set: $w to '—')](else-if: $w is '—')[(set: $w to '/')](else-if: $w is '/')[(set: $w to '\\')](else-if: $w is '\\')[(set: $w to '.')](else-if: $w is '.')[(set: $w to ':')](else-if: $w is ':')[(set: $w to '*')](else-if: $w is '*')[(set: $w to '(')](else-if: $w is '(')[(set: $w to ')')](else:)[(set: $w to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]
(link: '$e')[(if: $e is '|')[(set: $e to '—')](else-if: $e is '—')[(set: $e to '/')](else-if: $e is '/')[(set: $e to '\\')](else-if: $e is '\\')[(set: $e to '.')](else-if: $e is '.')[(set: $e to ':')](else-if: $e is ':')[(set: $e to '*')](else-if: $e is '*')[(set: $e to '(')](else-if: $e is '(')[(set: $e to ')')](else:)[(set: $e to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]}
{(link: '$a')[(if: $a is '|')[(set: $a to '—')](else-if: $a is '—')[(set: $a to '/')](else-if: $a is '/')[(set: $a to '\\')](else-if: $a is '\\')[(set: $a to '.')](else-if: $a is '.')[(set: $a to ':')](else-if: $a is ':')[(set: $a to '*')](else-if: $a is '*')[(set: $a to '(')](else-if: $a is '(')[(set: $a to ')')](else:)[(set: $a to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]
(link: '$s')[(if: $s is '|')[(set: $s to '—')](else-if: $s is '—')[(set: $s to '/')](else-if: $s is '/')[(set: $s to '\\')](else-if: $s is '\\')[(set: $s to '.')](else-if: $s is '.')[(set: $s to ':')](else-if: $s is ':')[(set: $s to '*')](else-if: $s is '*')[(set: $s to '(')](else-if: $s is '(')[(set: $s to ')')](else:)[(set: $s to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]
(link: '$d')[(if: $d is '|')[(set: $d to '—')](else-if: $d is '—')[(set: $d to '/')](else-if: $d is '/')[(set: $d to '\\')](else-if: $d is '\\')[(set: $d to '.')](else-if: $d is '.')[(set: $d to ':')](else-if: $d is ':')[(set: $d to '*')](else-if: $d is '*')[(set: $d to '(')](else-if: $d is '(')[(set: $d to ')')](else:)[(set: $d to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]}
{(link: '$z')[(if: $z is '|')[(set: $z to '—')](else-if: $z is '—')[(set: $z to '/')](else-if: $z is '/')[(set: $z to '\\')](else-if: $z is '\\')[(set: $z to '.')](else-if: $z is '.')[(set: $z to ':')](else-if: $z is ':')[(set: $z to '*')](else-if: $z is '*')[(set: $z to '(')](else-if: $z is '(')[(set: $z to ')')](else:)[(set: $z to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]
(link: '$x')[(if: $x is '|')[(set: $x to '—')](else-if: $x is '—')[(set: $x to '/')](else-if: $x is '/')[(set: $x to '\\')](else-if: $x is '\\')[(set: $x to '.')](else-if: $x is '.')[(set: $x to ':')](else-if: $x is ':')[(set: $x to '*')](else-if: $x is '*')[(set: $x to '(')](else-if: $x is '(')[(set: $x to ')')](else:)[(set: $x to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]
(link: '$c')[(if: $c is '|')[(set: $c to '—')](else-if: $c is '—')[(set: $c to '/')](else-if: $c is '/')[(set: $c to '\\')](else-if: $c is '\\')[(set: $c to '.')](else-if: $c is '.')[(set: $c to ':')](else-if: $c is ':')[(set: $c to '*')](else-if: $c is '*')[(set: $c to '(')](else-if: $c is '(')[(set: $c to ')')](else:)[(set: $c to '|')](goto: 'ASKII safe lock')]}]]
(link: 'UNLOCK')[(if: $q is '\\' and $w is '.' and $e is '/' and $a is ')' and $s is '—' and $d is '(' and $z is '/' and $x is ':' and $c is '\\')[(set: $IsASKIILocked to 'no')(goto: 'ASKII right')](else:)[(set: $q to '*', $w to '*', $e to '*', $a to '*', $s to '*', $d to '*', $z to '*', $x to '*', $c to '*', $IsASKIILocked to 'no')(goto: 'ASKII wrong')]]
[[look at something else|admin]](if: not ($Inv contains'copper key'))[You see a small copper key inside the safe.](else:)[The safe is empty.]
{(if: not ($Inv contains'copper key'))[(link: 'take bright copper key')[(set: $Inv to it + (a: 'copper key'))(goto: 'star safe interior')]]
(else:)[(link: 'return copper key')[(set: $Inv to it - (a: 'copper key'))(goto: 'star safe interior')]]}
[[close safe|star safe]](text-color: black)[...............]<img src="" width="363px" height="105px">
<img class="left-side large" src="" width="94px" height="330px">\
{(link: $LogicSet's 1st )[(if: $LogicSet's 1st is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 1st to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 1st is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 1st to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 1st to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 2nd )[(if: $LogicSet's 2nd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 2nd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 2nd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 2nd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 2nd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 3rd )[(if: $LogicSet's 3rd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 3rd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 3rd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 3rd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 3rd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 4th )[(if: $LogicSet's 4th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 4th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 4th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 4th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 4th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 5th )[(if: $LogicSet's 5th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 5th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 5th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 5th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 5th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 6th )[(if: $LogicSet's 6th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 6th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 6th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 6th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 6th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 7th )[(if: $LogicSet's 7th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 7th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 7th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 7th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 7th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 8th )[(if: $LogicSet's 8th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 8th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 8th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 8th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 8th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]}
{(link: $LogicSet's 9th )[(if: $LogicSet's 9th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 9th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 9th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 9th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 9th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 10th )[(if: $LogicSet's 10th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 10th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 10th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 10th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 10th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 11th )[(if: $LogicSet's 11th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 11th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 11th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 11th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 11th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 12th )[(if: $LogicSet's 12th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 12th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 12th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 12th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 12th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 13th )[(if: $LogicSet's 13th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 13th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 13th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 13th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 13th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 14th )[(if: $LogicSet's 14th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 14th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 14th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 14th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 14th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 15th )[(if: $LogicSet's 15th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 15th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 15th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 15th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 15th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 16th )[(if: $LogicSet's 16th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 16th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 16th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 16th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 16th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]}
{(link: $LogicSet's 17th )[(if: $LogicSet's 17th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 17th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 17th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 17th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 17th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 18th )[(if: $LogicSet's 18th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 18th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 18th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 18th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 18th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 19th )[(if: $LogicSet's 19th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 19th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 19th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 19th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 19th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 20th )[(if: $LogicSet's 20th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 20th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 20th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 20th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 20th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 21st )[(if: $LogicSet's 21st is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 21st to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 21st is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 21st to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 21st to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 22nd )[(if: $LogicSet's 22nd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 22nd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 22nd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 22nd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 22nd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 23rd )[(if: $LogicSet's 23rd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 23rd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 23rd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 23rd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 23rd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 24th )[(if: $LogicSet's 24th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 24th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 24th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 24th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 24th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]}
{(link: $LogicSet's 25th )[(if: $LogicSet's 25th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 25th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 25th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 25th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 25th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 26th )[(if: $LogicSet's 26th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 26th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 26th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 26th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 26th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 27th )[(if: $LogicSet's 27th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 27th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 27th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 27th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 27th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 28th )[(if: $LogicSet's 28th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 28th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 28th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 28th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 28th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 29th )[(if: $LogicSet's 29th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 29th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 29th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 29th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 29th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 30th )[(if: $LogicSet's 30th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 30th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 30th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 30th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 30th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 31st )[(if: $LogicSet's 31st is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 31st to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 31st is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 31st to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 31st to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 32nd )[(if: $LogicSet's 32nd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 32nd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 32nd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 32nd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 32nd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]}
{(link: $LogicSet's 33rd )[(if: $LogicSet's 33rd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 33rd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 33rd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 33rd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 33rd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 34th )[(if: $LogicSet's 34th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 34th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 34th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 34th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 34th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 35th )[(if: $LogicSet's 35th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 35th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 35th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 35th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 35th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 36th )[(if: $LogicSet's 36th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 36th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 36th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 36th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 36th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(print: $LogicSet's 37th)
(print: $LogicSet's 38th)
(print: $LogicSet's 39th)
(print: $LogicSet's 40th)}
{(link: $LogicSet's 41st )[(if: $LogicSet's 41st is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 41st to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 41st is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 41st to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 41st to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 42nd )[(if: $LogicSet's 42nd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 42nd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 42nd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 42nd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 42nd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 43rd )[(if: $LogicSet's 43rd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 43rd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 43rd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 43rd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 43rd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 44th )[(if: $LogicSet's 44th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 44th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 44th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 44th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 44th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(print: $LogicSet's 45th)
(print: $LogicSet's 46th)
(print: $LogicSet's 47th)
(print: $LogicSet's 48th)}
{(link: $LogicSet's 49th )[(if: $LogicSet's 49th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 49th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 49th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 49th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 49th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 50th )[(if: $LogicSet's 50th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 50th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 50th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 50th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 50th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 51st )[(if: $LogicSet's 51st is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 51st to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 51st is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 51st to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 51st to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 52nd )[(if: $LogicSet's 52nd is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 52nd to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 52nd is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 52nd to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 52nd to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(print: $LogicSet's 53rd)
(print: $LogicSet's 54th)
(print: $LogicSet's 55th)
(print: $LogicSet's 56th)}
{(link: $LogicSet's 57th )[(if: $LogicSet's 57th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 57th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 57th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 57th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 57th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 58th )[(if: $LogicSet's 58th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 58th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 58th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 58th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 58th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 59th )[(if: $LogicSet's 59th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 59th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 59th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 59th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 59th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(link: $LogicSet's 60th )[(if: $LogicSet's 60th is $Empty)[(set: $LogicSet's 60th to $No)](else-if: $LogicSet's 60th is $No)[(set: $LogicSet's 60th to $Yes)](else:)[(set: $LogicSet's 60th to $Empty)](goto: 'star safe lock')]
(print: $LogicSet's 61st)
(print: $LogicSet's 62nd)
(print: $LogicSet's 63rd)
(print: $LogicSet's 64th)}
(if: $LogicSet is (a: $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $No, $No, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $No, $Yes, $Yes, $No, $No, $No, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $No, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $No, $No, $Yes, $No, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $Yes, $No, $No, $No, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $No, $No, $No, $Yes, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler, $Filler))[(set: $IsStarLocked to 'no')(link: 'UNLOCK')[(set: $IsStarLocked to 'no')(goto: 'star right')]]\
(else:)[(link: 'UNLOCK')[(set: $LogicSet to (a:$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Empty,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler,$Filler))(goto: 'star wrong')]]
[[walk away|storage admin]](append: ?Sidebar)[(if: (passage:)'s name is "Notebook")[(link-goto: "put away notebook", (history:)'s last)](else-if: (passage:)'s name is "Inventory")[(link-goto: "close inventory", (history:)'s last)](else:)[
[[Inventory]]]][[stop trying|Door 1]]
(if: $Door1Code is 'greenblueyellow')[The tiles all depress and then pop back out and the lever next to the door loosens and could be pressed down.
[[push lever and enter building|main hall]]]
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: green)[U](text-color: blue)[E](text-color: yellow)[C]]
{(text-color: orange)[(link: 'white')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'orange')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]
(text-color: blue)[(link: 'yellow')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'blue')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]
(text-color: white)[(link: 'red')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'white')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]}
{(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'pink')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'yellow')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]
(text-color: red)[(link: 'grey')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'red')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]
(text-color: purple)[(link: 'blue')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'purple')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]}
{(text-color: green)[(link: 'purple')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'green')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]
(text-color: grey)[(link: 'orange')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'grey')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]
(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'green')[(set: $Door1Code to it + 'pink')(goto: 'door 1 lock')]]}
(link: 'RESET')[(set: $Door1Code to '')(goto: 'door 1 lock')][[stop trying|Door 2]]
(if: $Door2Code is 'purpleredgrey')[The tiles all depress and then pop back out and the lever next to the door loosens and could be pressed down.
[[push lever and enter building|storage hall]]]
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: purple)[U](text-color: red)[E](text-color: grey)[C]]
{(text-color: orange)[(link: 'white')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'white')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]
(text-color: blue)[(link: 'yellow')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'yellow')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]
(text-color: white)[(link: 'red')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'red')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]}
{(text-color: yellow)[(link: 'pink')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'pink')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]
(text-color: red)[(link: 'grey')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'grey')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]
(text-color: purple)[(link: 'blue')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'blue')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]}
{(text-color: green)[(link: 'purple')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'purple')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]
(text-color: grey)[(link: 'orange')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'orange')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]
(text-color: red + white)[(link: 'green')[(set: $Door2Code to it + 'green')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]]}
(link: 'RESET')[(set: $Door2Code to '')(goto: 'door 2 lock')]You see a white metal door with four large arrows on it.
(if: $IsSectionLocked is 'no') [[[go through door|main hall]]] \
(else:)[[[try lock|section lock storage]]]
(set: $SectionCode to '')
(css: "font-size: 150%;")[(text-color: black)[....](text-color: red)[↑
←](text-color: black)[...](text-color: red)[→]
(text-color: black)[....](text-color: red)[↓]]
[[walk away|storage hall]](if: $IsSectionLocked is 'no') [[[go through door|main hall]]]\
(else-if: $IsSectionLocked is 'yes')[The door beeps and nothing happens]\
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(text-color: black)[....](text-color: red)[(link: '↑')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'u')(goto: 'section lock storage')]]
{(text-color: red)[(link: '←')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'l')(goto: 'section lock storage')]](text-color: black)[..]
(text-color: red)[(link: '→')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'r')(goto: 'section lock storage')]]}
(text-color: red)[(text-color: black)[....](link: '↓')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'd')(goto: 'section lock storage')]]]
(link: 'RESET')[(set: $SectionCode to '',$IsSectionLocked to '')(goto: 'section lock storage')]
(link: 'OPEN')[(if: $SectionCode is 'rlrrdurululd')[(set: $IsSectionLocked to 'no')](else:)[(set: $SectionCode to '',$IsSectionLocked to 'yes')](goto: 'section lock storage')]
[[walk away|storage hall]](if: $IsSectionLocked is 'no') [[[go through door|storage hall]]]\
(else-if: $IsSectionLocked is 'yes')[The door beeps and nothing happens]\
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(text-color: black)[....](text-color: red)[(link: '↑')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'u')(goto: 'section lock main')]]
{(text-color: red)[(link: '←')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'l')(goto: 'section lock main')]](text-color: black)[..]
(text-color: red)[(link: '→')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'r')(goto: 'section lock main')]]}
(text-color: red)[(text-color: black)[....](link: '↓')[(set: $SectionCode to it + 'd')(goto: 'section lock main')]]]
(link: 'RESET')[(set: $SectionCode to '',$IsSectionLocked to '')(goto: 'section lock storage')]
(link: 'OPEN')[(if: $SectionCode is 'rlrrdurululd')[(set: $IsSectionLocked to 'no')](else:)[(set: $SectionCode to '',$IsSectionLocked to 'yes')](goto: 'section lock main')]
[[walk away|main hall]]Notebook
(link: 'add note')[(set: $notes to it + (a:(prompt: 'new note', '')))(print: $notes's last)]
(print: $notes.join('
(print: $Inv.join('
'))On the walls you see a large poster, a scattering of thumbtack holes, and the words "Meeting Wednesday at 4" in what looks like ink that bled through something.
[[examine poster]]
[[Look at something else|messy office]]On the desk is an old fashioned looking monitor with a keyboard and mouse. There are also several half full mugs and an assortment of office supplies, mostly broken or stained. The desk has a wide flat drawer and 3 smaller side drawers.
[[wiggle mouse|awake monitor]]
[[tap keyboard|awake monitor]]
[[open flat drawer]]
[[open top small drawer]]
[[open middle small drawer]]
[[open bottom small drawer]]
[[leave desk|messy office]]The screen shows the words "enter your passcode" above a box with a cursor in it and a quit button below that. When you move the mouse a small alt-text shows "Bday MMDDYY." The rest of the screen is light purple with nothing to click.
(set: $passcode to '******')
[[look at something else|desk]]
[[try passcode]]The drawer is filled to the brim with uncapped and mostly dry pens. There is also a planner with 2014 on the front in gold with several accidental pen marks on it, as well as a paperback warped and discolored with water stains.
[[look at planner]]
[[look at paper back]]
[[close drawer|desk]]You can only get the drawer partway open as a basketball has somehow been wedged in and is jamming it. Something is written on the ball in the corner but all you can see is
ON'T open bo
ves los
and a skull and cross bones in a square on the other edge.
[[close drawer|desk]]The drawer is filled with thumbtacks and candy wrappers, but buried beneath the trash is a dusty framed photo of a handsome middle-aged man sitting on a bench with a small child on each knee. Everyone is smiling, but the glass is cracked slightly over the man's torso. Something about this churns your stomach.
[[close drawer|desk]]Inside is a magic 8 ball key chain with no keys on it, and a variety of salt packets. The sides of the drawer are so heavily stained that you almost miss the faded scratch marks everywhere inside.
{(if: not ($Inv contains'8 ball'))[(link: 'take 8 ball')[(set: $Inv to it + (a: '8 ball'))(goto: 'open bottom small drawer')]]
(else:)[(link: 'return 8 ball')[(set: $Inv to it - (a: '8 ball'))(goto: 'open bottom small drawer')]]}
{(if: not ($Inv contains'salt packets'))[(link: 'take salt')[(set: $Inv to it + (a: 'salt packets'))(goto: 'open bottom small drawer')]]
(else:)[(link: 'return salt')[(set: $Inv to it - (a: 'salt packets'))(goto: 'open bottom small drawer')]]}
[[close drawer|desk]]The pages of the planner are mostly either untouched or covered in short hand scrawls that mostly seem to be times. The page for October is blank except a bright red note on the 11th "Her 40th! DON'T FORGET! Dinner at 6 and ask L for gift" and a blue drawing of a cat on the 15th.
(set: $Planner to '40th on 11 October, cat on 15 October, planner labeled 2014')
{(if: not ($notes contains $Planner))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $Planner))]]
[[put back|open flat drawer]]The book looks old and cheap, and is stained beyond recognition. Besides a faint smell of cabbage, you glean nothing from it.
[[put back|open flat drawer]]You see a poster of a mysterious grey orb filled with swirling colors next to melted glass, and a strangely warped polyhedral die of some sort next to a chalk outline of a body.
{(if: not ($notes contains'mysterious grey orb filled with swirling colors next to melted glass, and a strangely warped polyhedral die of some sort next to a chalk outline of a body'))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a:'mysterious grey orb filled with swirling colors next to melted glass, and a strangely warped polyhedral die of some sort next to a chalk outline of a body'))]]
[[look at something else|look at walls]](set: ($passcode to (prompt: "enter your passcode", "")))
(print: $passcode)
{(if: $passcode is '101174')[[[Enter|passcode correct]]]
(else:)[[[Enter|passcode wrong]]]}The screen goes dark.
(set: $passcode to '') \
[[jiggle mouse|awake monitor]]
[[look at something else|desk]]The screen blinks and shows a desk top covered in folders and files.
[[meeting dates 3|blank]]
[[UNTITLED''_''DOORS(DON'T SHARE)|hint page]]
[[NEW''_''FOLDER 14|blank]]
[[NEW''_''FOLDER 15 (COPY 8)|blank]]
[[shut down|desk]]The screen flashes "wrong passcode try again" and clears.
(set: $passcode to '') \
[[Try again|try passcode]]
[[Look at something else|desk]]The folder contains a jumble of randomly named documents. You don't see anything useful.
[[close folder|passcode correct]]The folder contains several files that won't open and one document titled
[[close folder|passcode correct]](set: $ShRClue to '3+8^6=4
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What has hands but can not clap?
What has a neck but no head?')
You see a document labeled "Door''_''Codes''_''Reminders=DON'T LOOSE!" that reads:
(print: $ShRClue)
{(if: not ($notes contains $ShRClue))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $ShRClue))]]
[[close folder|passcode correct]](set: $BackgroundInfo to'We the Union of Esoteric Concerns do humbly pledge to devote our lives to the research of seemingly paranormal objects and events, and to prevent at all costs any injury, trauma, or loss of life as a result of these incidents. We alone are equipped to shoulder this burden, and the knowledge that we carry has the power to shatter the foundations of our world. Therefore, we swear this oath of secrecy and seclusion for the safety of mankind and the universe.
“Light” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -')
(print: $BackgroundInfo)
{(if: not ($notes contains $BackgroundInfo))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $BackgroundInfo))]]
[[close document|background]]The safe clicks and the symbols reset. The handle is movable.
[[open safe|ASKII safe interior]]
[[go away|admin]]The safe beeps softly and the symbols reset. The handle is still locked.
[[try again|ASKII safe lock]]
[[look at something else|admin]](css: "font-size: 250%;")+(text-color: grey)[{(link: '$triangle')[(set: $First to 'triangle')(goto: 'neat office lock 2')]
(link: '$square')[(set: $First to 'square')(goto: 'neat office lock 2')]
(link: '$pentagon')[(set: $First to 'pentagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 2')]}
{(link: '$hexagon')[(set: $First to 'hexagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 2')]
(link: '$octogon')[(set: $First to 'octogon')(goto: 'neat office lock 2')]
(link: '$circle')[(set: $First to 'circle')(goto: 'neat office lock 2')]}]
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $First to '', $Second to '', $Third to '', $Forth to '')(goto: 'main hall')]The (print: $First) pops up and sits flush with the door.
(css: "font-size: 250%;")+(text-color: grey)[{(if: $First is not 'triangle')[(link: '$triangle')[(set: $Second to 'triangle')(goto: 'neat office lock 3')]](else:)[$triangle]
(if: $First is not 'square')[(link: '$square')[(set: $Second to 'square')(goto: 'neat office lock 3')]](else:)[$square]
(if: $First is not 'pentagon')[(link: '$pentagon')[(set: $Second to 'pentagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 3')]](else:)[$pentagon]}
{(if: $First is not 'hexagon')[(link: '$hexagon')[(set: $Second to 'hexagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 3')]](else:)[$hexagon]
(if: $First is not 'octogon')[(link: '$octogon')[(set: $Second to 'octogon')(goto: 'neat office lock 3')]](else:)[$octogon]
(if: $First is not 'circle')[(link: '$circle')[(set: $Second to 'circle')(goto: 'neat office lock 3')]](else:)[$circle]}]
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $First to '', $Second to '', $Third to '', $Forth to '')(goto: 'main hall')]The (print: $First) and (print: $Second) are now flush with the door.
(css: "font-size: 250%;")+(text-color: grey)[{(if: $First is not 'triangle' and $Second is not 'triangle')[(link: '$triangle')[(set: $Third to 'triangle')(goto: 'neat office lock 4')]](else:)[$triangle]
(if: $First is not 'square' and $Second is not 'square')[(link: '$square')[(set: $Third to 'square')(goto: 'neat office lock 4')]](else:)[$square]
(if: $First is not 'pentagon' and $Second is not 'pentagon')[(link: '$pentagon')[(set: $Third to 'pentagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 4')]](else:)[$pentagon]}
{(if: $First is not 'hexagon' and $Second is not 'hexagon')[(link: '$hexagon')[(set: $Third to 'hexagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 4')]](else:)[$hexagon]
(if: $First is not 'octogon' and $Second is not 'octogon')[(link: '$octogon')[(set: $Third to 'octogon')(goto: 'neat office lock 4')]](else:)[$octogon]
(if: $First is not 'circle' and $Second is not 'circle')[(link: '$circle')[(set: $Third to 'circle')(goto: 'neat office lock 4')]](else:)[$circle]}]
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $First to '', $Second to '', $Third to '', $Forth to '')(goto: 'main hall')]The (print: $First), (print: $Second), and (print: $Third) are now flush with the door.
(css: "font-size: 250%;")+(text-color: grey)[{(if: $First is not 'triangle' and $Second is not 'triangle' and $Third is not 'triangle')[(link: '$triangle')[(set: $Forth to 'triangle')(goto: 'neat office lock 5')]](else:)[$triangle]
(if: $First is not 'square' and $Second is not 'square' and $Third is not 'square')[(link: '$square')[(set: $Forth to 'square')(goto: 'neat office lock 5')]](else:)[$square]
(if: $First is not 'pentagon' and $Second is not 'pentagon' and $Third is not 'pentagon')[(link: '$pentagon')[(set: $Forth to 'pentagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 5')]](else:)[$pentagon]}
{(if: $First is not 'hexagon' and $Second is not 'hexagon' and $Third is not 'hexagon')[(link: '$hexagon')[(set: $Forth to 'hexagon')(goto: 'neat office lock 5')]](else:)[$hexagon]
(if: $First is not 'octogon' and $Second is not 'octogon' and $Third is not 'octogon')[(link: '$octogon')[(set: $Forth to 'octogon')(goto: 'neat office lock 5')]](else:)[$octogon]
(if: $First is not 'circle' and $Second is not 'circle' and $Third is not 'circle')[(link: '$circle')[(set: $Forth to 'circle')(goto: 'neat office lock 5')]](else:)[$circle]}]
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $First to '', $Second to '', $Third to '', $Forth to '')(goto: 'main hall')]The (print: $Forth) pops out and then all four sink back in.
(if: $First is 'triangle' and $Second is 'octogon' and $Third is 'hexagon' and $Forth is 'square')[(set: $IsNeatLocked to 'no')You hear a soft click and the door slightly swings back.
[[enter room|neat office]]] \
(else:)[(set: $IsNeatLocked to 'yes', $First to '', $Second to '', $Third to '')You hear a soft beep and the door remains closed.
[[Try again|neat office door]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'bottle'))[(link: $bottlePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'bottle')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$bottlePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'cabage'))[(link: $cabagePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'cabage')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$cabagePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'clock'))[(link: $clockPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'clock')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$clockPic]}
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'die'))[(link: $diePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'die')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$diePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'door'))[(link: $doorPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'door')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$doorPic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'egg'))[(link: $eggPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'egg')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$eggPic]}
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'key'))[(link: $keyPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'key')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$keyPic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'rope'))[(link: $ropePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'rope')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$ropePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'ball'))[(link: $ballPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'ball')(goto: 'records lock 2')]](else:)[$ballPic]}
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $RecordsCode to '')(goto: 'main hall')]The square stayes pressed down.
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'bottle'))[(link: $bottlePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'bottle')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$bottlePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'cabage'))[(link: $cabagePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'cabage')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$cabagePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'clock'))[(link: $clockPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'clock')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$clockPic]}
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'die'))[(link: $diePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'die')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$diePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'door'))[(link: $doorPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'door')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$doorPic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'egg'))[(link: $eggPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'egg')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$eggPic]}
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'key'))[(link: $keyPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'key')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$keyPic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'rope'))[(link: $ropePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'rope')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$ropePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'ball'))[(link: $ballPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'ball')(goto: 'records lock 3')]](else:)[$ballPic]}
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $RecordsCode to '')(goto: 'main hall')]Two squares are now flush with the door.
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'bottle'))[(link: $bottlePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'bottle')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$bottlePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'cabage'))[(link: $cabagePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'cabage')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$cabagePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'clock'))[(link: $clockPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'clock')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$clockPic]}
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'die'))[(link: $diePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'die')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$diePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'door'))[(link: $doorPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'door')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$doorPic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'egg'))[(link: $eggPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'egg')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$eggPic]}
{(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'key'))[(link: $keyPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'key')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$keyPic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'rope'))[(link: $ropePic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'rope')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$ropePic]
(if: not ($RecordsCode contains 'ball'))[(link: $ballPic)[(set: $RecordsCode to it + 'ball')(goto: 'records lock 4')]](else:)[$ballPic]}
(link: 'walk away')[(set: $RecordsCode to '')(goto: 'main hall')]The square depresses and then all three pop back out. \
(if: $RecordsCode is 'eggclockbottle')[(set: $IsRecordsLocked to 'no')You hear a soft click and the door slightly swings back.
[[push open door|records]]] \
(else:)[(set: $IsLocked to 'yes', $RecordsCode to '')You hear a soft beep and the door remains closed.
[[Try again|records door]]]
[[walk away|main hall]]You approach the sound slowly, softening your steps and crouching low. As you draw near, you see a floating ball of shiftng yellow and green light flitting around at the edge of the woods.
[[go home]]
[[grab it]]You keep your distance, ducking behind bushes and stumps for what feels like hours while the orb flutters and meanders deeper into the woods. It is beginning to feel almost aimless.
[[continue following]]
[[get its attention]]
[[go home]]You approach the orb and reach out your hand until you can touch it. A burning sensation overcomes you, searing your flesh and scorching the insides of your mind.
You die.
EndYou approach the orb and reach out your hand until you can touch it. A burning sensation overcomes you, searing your flesh and scorching the insides of your mind.
You die.
EndAfter another hour or two, you catch a glimpse of movement in the distance beyond the orb. Before you can even try to get a closer look, the forest springs into motion; a large contraption swings through the trees, glinting with the orb's reflected light, and then the mystical thing you followed here is gone. Five human-looking figures emerge from the trees, fiddling with the contraption urgently.
[[keep watching]]
[[go home]]The figures pack up the rest of the contraption in a rush, the two burliest figures hoisting the part which contains the orb onto their shoulders. Then they all move on, pushing through the woods to the west of this clearing.
[[follow the figures]]
[[go home]]Eventually the group splits off, the two carrying the contraption heading south and the other three heading north. They seem to all know where they're going, even though there is nothing here but trees.
[[follow the three figures]]
[[follow the two figures]]
[[go home]]In the distance, peeking out over the trees, you notice a dark shape drawing near. The two figures approach a wrought-iron gate on the side of a large, dark building. One of them seems to punch a code into a keypad. You can't make it out, but you hear one say "This door is the words right?" and see the other nod. They then pull a lever and the gate swings open, then slams shut behind them.
[[go to the gate|Door 2]]
[[go home]]In the distance, peeking out over the trees, you notice a dark shape drawing near. The two figures approach a dark iron door on the side of a large, dark building. One of them seems to punch a code into a keypad. You can't make it out, but you hear one say "This door is the colors right?" and see the other nod. They then pull a lever and the gate swings open, then slams shut behind them.
[[go to the door|Door 1]]
[[go home]]You are home. You go back to trying to pretend everything is normal.
End{(if:$lightOne is 0)
(set: $lightOne to 1)
(set: $firstLight to "on")
(set: $lightOne to 0)
(set: $firstLight to "off")
(if:$lightTwo is 0)
(set: $lightTwo to 1)
(set: $secondLight to "on")
(set: $lightTwo to 0)
(set: $secondLight to "off")
(if:$lightFour is 0)
(set: $lightFour to 1)
(set: $fourthLight to "on")
(set: $lightFour to 0)
(set: $fourthLight to "off")
(set: $lightTotal to $lightOne + $lightTwo + $lightThree + $lightFour)
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $firstLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $secondLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $thirdLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $fourthLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
(if: ($lightTotal != 4))[ \
[[Press Button One|Directory Button One]]
[[Press Button Two|Directory Button Two]]
[[Press Button Three|Directory Button Three]]
[[Press Button Four|Directory Button Four]]]
(else:)[(set: $IsDirectoryLocked to 'no')\
As soon as the lights all shine at once you hear four slight clicks and a small panel depresses to create a handle.
[[slide open door|directory]]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]{(if:$lightTwo is 0)
(set: $lightTwo to 1)
(set: $secondLight to "on")
(set: $lightTwo to 0)
(set: $secondLight to "off")
(if:$lightThree is 0)
(set: $lightThree to 1)
(set: $thirdLight to "on")
(set: $lightThree to 0)
(set: $thirdLight to "off")
(set: $lightTotal to $lightOne + $lightTwo + $lightThree + $lightFour)\
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $firstLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $secondLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $thirdLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $fourthLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
(if: ($lightTotal != 4))[ \
[[Press Button One|Directory Button One]]
[[Press Button Two|Directory Button Two]]
[[Press Button Three|Directory Button Three]]
[[Press Button Four|Directory Button Four]]]
(else:)[ (set: $IsDirectoryLocked to 'no')\
As soon as the lights all shine at once you hear four slight clicks and a small panel depresses to create a handle.
[[slide open door|directory]]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]{(if:$lightThree is 0)
(set: $lightThree to 1)
(set: $thirdLight to "on")
(set: $lightThree to 0)
(set: $thirdLight to "off")
(if:$lightFour is 0)
(set: $lightFour to 1)
(set: $fourthLight to "on")
(set: $lightFour to 0)
(set: $fourthLight to "off")
(set: $lightTotal to $lightOne + $lightTwo + $lightThree + $lightFour)
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $firstLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $secondLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $thirdLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $fourthLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
(if: ($lightTotal != 4))[ \
[[Press Button One|Directory Button One]]
[[Press Button Two|Directory Button Two]]
[[Press Button Three|Directory Button Three]]
[[Press Button Four|Directory Button Four]]]
(else:)[(set: $IsDirectoryLocked to 'no')\
As soon as the lights all shine at once you hear four slight clicks and a small panel depresses to create a handle.
[[slide open door|directory]]]
[[walk away|storage hall]]{(if:$lightOne is 0)
(set: $lightOne to 1)
(set: $firstLight to "on")
(set: $lightOne to 0)
(set: $firstLight to "off")
(if:$lightFour is 0)
(set: $lightFour to 1)
(set: $fourthLight to "on")
(set: $lightFour to 0)
(set: $fourthLight to "off")
(set: $lightTotal to $lightOne + $lightTwo + $lightThree + $lightFour)
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $firstLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $secondLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
{(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $thirdLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]
(css: "font-size: 250%;")[(if: $fourthLight is 'on')[(text-color: yellow)[O]](else:)[(text-color: white)[O]]]}
(if: ($lightTotal != 4))[ \
[[Press Button One|Directory Button One]]
[[Press Button Two|Directory Button Two]]
[[Press Button Three|Directory Button Three]]
[[Press Button Four|Directory Button Four]]]
(else:)[(set: $IsDirectoryLocked to 'no')\
As soon as the lights all shine at once you hear four slight clicks and a small panel depresses to create a handle.
[[slide open door|directory]]]
[[walk away|storage hall]](set: $Poem to 'Emily Dickinson - 314
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.')\
The desk is almost bare. Against the wall is a neat black pen set and next to it you see a small pane of clear glass with a frosted inscription.
(print: $Poem)
{(if: not ($notes contains $Poem))[
(link: 'copy into notebook')[(set: $notes to it + (a: $Poem))]]
[[look at something else|neat office]]The building flashes red as an ear-shattering alarm blares. You can hear footsteps rapidly approaching. Time is running out.
[[open door|containment]]
[[stay where you are|capture]]
[[turn and run|capture]]You are almost immediately tackled, and as your vision blurs you hear the distinct click of the door being locked.
Suddenly, you find yourself at home. Your memories of the previous day are foggy, but this is not an uncommon occurrence. You return to willing yourself to believe your life is perfectly normal.The safe clicks and the handle swings up.
[[open safe|star safe interior]]
[[walk away|storage admin]]The safe beeps and the buttons reset. The handle still won't move.
[[try again|star safe lock]]
[[walk away|storage admin]]The orb is cool and slightly wet to the touch, but disturbingly light, like lifting condensed air. The surface is solid, but the swirls within it react to the pressure of your touch. When you place it in your bag, your hand comes away with a sheer grey film of moisture.
[[look at something else|inner storage]]You take a seat in front of the strange woman. As you approach, you notice an array of bizarre faded scars across every area of exposed skin.
"So nice to finally meet you," she says. "I am Director Zeta, and I am in charge of this institution. You've been on our radar for some time now, but I had my doubts that we would ever meet face to face. But enough about me, I'm sure you have plenty of burning questions."
Director Zeta takes a sip from her glass of water and leans back in her chair.
"What do you want to know?"
[[ask about the paranormal]]
[[ask about the union]] You press your back to the door instead.
"Who are you?"
The woman laughs.
"Don't trust me? Ah, I can't say I blame you for that. I am Director Zeta, and I'm in charge of this place." She spreads her arms as if to indicate the building.
"And what exactly is this place, then?"
"We call ourselves the Union of Esoteric Concerns. I suppose you could call us a research facility. If you'd like to sit, we can continue to discuss this like adults."
[[sit down|sit]]
[[refuse]]You pull out your chair and sit across from the Director. She flashes you a smile.
"Ah, there we are. That wasn't so bad, was it? Some of the relics in our collection may bite, but Union employees most certainly do not. Now, where were we?"
[[ask about the paranormal]]
[[ask about the union]]"I can't do that. I don't know who you are or what this place is."
The Director rolls her eyes with a sigh.
"No, I suppose you don't. What sort of questions do you have?"
[[ask about the paranormal]]
[[ask about the union]] "So, paranormal... //things//... are real?"
Director Zeta's face scrunches up at that.
"I mean, that's not how we prefer to think of it? Our methods are far more scientific in nature. We believe that every so-called 'unexplainable' phenomena has a perfectly rational explanation, and our job is to find it."
"And how successful has this scientific endeavor proven?"
"Quite," she says with a grin. "As a result of our containment and research, we've seen a 95% decrease in death by esoteric events among civilians. Phenomena that once seemed completely unconnected have been proven connected in ways that become useful to our efforts. We also have access to interdimensional resources, so our technology is most likely centuries ahead of the rest of the planet.
(if: not ((history:) contains 'ask about the union')) [[[ask about the union|ask about the union]]]
(if: (history:) contains 'ask about the union')[[[ask what comes next|ask what comes next]]]"What exactly is this place?"
"Do you want the whole historic spiel?" The Director takes a sip of water and clears her throat. "We were founded in 1827 by a group of intellectuals, scientists, and occultists concerned with the rise of unexplained phenomena. Essentially, our job is to contain and research 'paranormal' items, creatures, and events to further understand them, as well as making sure no harm is done to the general population."
"Are you affiliated with the military?"
The Director chokes on her water in a burst of laughter.
"//God,// no, never! They don't even know that we exist. No, our organization consists of dozens of branches across continents, and originally we were founded in Switzerland."
(if: not ((history:) contains 'ask about the paranormal'))[[[ask about the paranormal|ask about the paranormal]]]
(if: (history:) contains 'ask about the paranormal')[[[ask what comes next|ask what comes next]]]"Why are you telling me all of this?"
Director Zeta cracks a slow smile.
"Truly the most important question yet. You see, this is not the first time you've made it to our facility. It is, however, the first time you have found your way to my office. I wasn't sure you ever would, if I'm being honest. But you did, and in doing so proved yourself worthy of our organization."
The Director pulls open the top drawer of her desk and removes a stack of paperwork, which she pushes towards you.
"This is no small offer. If you choose to join us, life as you know it will never be the same. However, as you demonstrated your quick thinking, pragmatism, and ability to assess risk, you have earned a place in our ranks.
If you are willing, you will face danger the likes of which you never before thought possible. Our work is thankless, as the secrecy of our organization is paramount. But this work is necessary for the safety of our world, and you have what it takes."
She pauses for a second, and then adds, "This is a big decision. Take your time."
[[deny]]"I... I apologize, Director, but this is too much. I can't accept this offer."
The Director frowns and places her hand on yours.
"I understand. It's a lot to ask of someone, and some people just aren't willing to take the leap. Pity."
She fiddles with the collar of her shirt, and all of a sudden, a flash of light blinds you. A sudden dizziness fills your head, and your body slumps out of the chair and hits the floor. You don't feel the impact.
[[wake up|thrown out]]